A Conversation with the Boss at 5:26 on a Friday Afternoon

This poem was written for our October Pub Poetry group at The Barking Dog. The theme I followed for this month was 'amateur hour'. It was not an easy poem to write, I wanted to make sure the language in it was humorous, and not simply offensive (but, yes, it is offensive - sorry Mum, if you're reading this!)

I hope you enjoy it, and - honestly - if you're offended by foul language, please do skip on and read something else instead!

A Conversation with the Boss at 5:26 on a Friday Afternoon

Are you shitting me? You absolute tool!

Do you think this is amateur hour?


         You've made me look a fucking fool! 

         Shit a brick, you should be back in school- 

         Stop snivelling! You think I'm being cruel? 

You're such a Pwecious Lickle Flower!

I can't believe the mess you've made;

Fuck knows how I'll clean this up!

         Yes, you ought to be afraid;  

          I'll have you fired! And fucking flayed! 

         Just how much do you get paid?

You've really fucked up, buttercup!

I'm not a man you should have crossed!

You are a wanking waste of space!

         If you had brains, I'd have them washed!

         I can't begin to count the cost, 

         There's a twat-load hours of work you've lost-

-oh wait, I've found it in my case.


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