
Showing posts from October, 2024

A Conversation with the Boss at 5:26 on a Friday Afternoon

This poem was written for our October Pub Poetry group at The Barking Dog . The theme I followed for this month was 'amateur hour'. It was not an easy poem to write, I wanted to make sure the language in it was humorous, and not simply offensive (but, yes, it is offensive - sorry Mum, if you're reading this!) I hope you enjoy it, and - honestly - if you're offended by foul language, please do skip on and read something else instead! A Conversation with the Boss at 5:26 on a Friday Afternoon Are you  shitting  me? You absolute  tool ! Do you think this is amateur hour?             You've made me look a fucking fool!             Shit a brick , you should be back in school-             Stop snivelling!  You think I'm being cruel?   You're such a  Pwecious Lickle Flower ! I can't believe the mess you've made; Fuck   knows  how I'll clean this up!          Yes, you ought to be afraid;                I'll have you fired!  And fucking flayed!      

National Poetry Day 2024

Today is National Poetry Day. I first put a compilation of my poems over the last twelve months together last year , and thought it would be nice to do the same today!  Each poem should open in a new window/tab so you can come back to this page easily if you like - hope you find something you enjoy, and please let me know if you've got a favourite! November Memories God is Sleeping The Battle / An Evening to Myself / Trauma / Disgust Free Reign Little Wins Promises, Promises Into the Dragon's Lair A Boy's Best Friend It'll Never Catch On Hope Street

Hope Street

This poem was written for our October poetry group at St Michael's Church. The theme I chose to follow for this month was 'hope'. I feel like I might need to hand in my Mancunian badge after writing this, but I have to say Liverpool is a favourite (not the *most* favourite, obvs...) city of mine, and I particularly love Hope Street itself! I hope you enjoy reading it! Hope Street A road between cathedrals, the crown and Roman pope. A street that calls for unity; a street that we call Hope. The Latin bell and candle, the Celtic knotted rope, the Saxon Book of Common Prayer, meet on the street of Hope. A home for the philharmonic, the performing artists' troop, mix in the church and the medical institute: The faith, art and science of Hope. The city looks for union, with solidarity in its scope. It's great straight street signposts the way; take the road called Hope.