The Body of Christ

I wrote these lyrics for a hymn for a service celebrating the Feast of the Transfiguration. It's in 7,7,7,7 meter, and would fit to the tune used for "There's a Wideness in God's Mercy".

In the end, we didn't use it as a hymn for the service, but instead as prayers (changing the language to communal instead of personal). Both versions are below.

It's based on a quotation from Teresa of Avila.

Feel free to use as a hymn or prayers if you wish! I'd love to hear about it, if you do!

Hymn :

The Body of Christ

Where now are your hands, O my God?

They are those with which I touch.

They are all you have to use to

heal the world you love so much.

Where now are your feet, Lord Jesus?

They are those with which I tread.

Walk with them to take your gospel  

All across the world to spread.

Where now are your eyes, O my King?

They are those with which I see.

Open them to view your world as

you yourself know it to be.

Where now is your mouth, O my Lord?

It is that with which I speak.

With it may I always speak truth,

Bless the poor, uphold the weak.

Where now is your heart, my Father?

It is that with which I love.

Sanctify and purify it:

So I love as God above.

Where now is your body, Jesus?

You have none excepting mine.

Take and use my hands, my feet, my

eyes, my mouth, my heart as thine.

Communal Prayers: 

Where now are your hands, God?

They are those with which we touch.

They are all you have to use 

to heal the world you love so much.

Where now are your feet, Lord Jesus?

They are those with which we tread.

Walk with them to take your gospel  

All across the world to spread.

Where now are your eyes, Father God?

They are those with which we see.

Open them to view your world 

as you yourself know it to be.

Where now is your mouth, O Lord?

It is that with which we speak.

With it may we always speak truth,

Bless the poor, uphold the weak.

Where now is your heart, Father?

It is that with which we love.

Sanctify and purify it:

So we love as God above.

Where now is your body, Jesus?

You have none except for ours.

Take and use our hands, our feet, 

our eyes, our mouth, our heart as yours.


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