
This poem was composed for the second meeting of our poetry group. We were set the theme of 'Manchester: the place we call home'.

I decided to find the most common languages spoken in our city; it is, after all, an adopted home to people from all around the world. Apologies to anyone who speaks these languages... I've made my best attempt (using Google Translate) to ensure the phrases are correct!

I hope you enjoy reading it (my attempt at a phonetic translation is below the poem, including the languages for each line)


یہ شہر ہمارا گھر ہے۔

هذه المدينة هي بيتنا

ਇਹ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਸਾਡਾ ਘਰ ਹੈ

Magaaladani waa gurigeena


 શહેર આપણું ઘર છે

এই শহর আমাদের বাড়ি

Ev bajar mala me ye

این شهر خانه ماست

Esta ciudad es nuestro hogar

Αυτή η πόλη είναι το σπίτι μας

Acest oraș este casa noastră

Це місто наш дім

To miasto jest naszym domem

Cette ville est notre maison

This city is our home.

My attempt at a phonetic pronunciation is below!:

Yeh she-her hamara khar hai (Urdu)

Heard-he hill madina tu hear baytoona (Arabic)

Iha sahira sada ghara hai (Punjabi)

Magaaladani waa guri-geena (Somalian)

Cho zuò chongshì shì wǒmen de jja (Simplified Chinese) 

A shahera ap'num ghar'chay (Gujarati) 

Ēy sharur ramādē bāṛi (Bangla) 

Ev bajar mala me ye (Kurdish)

Aan shher khanh maset (Persian) 

Esta siudad es nuestro 'ogar (Spanish)

Afti i poli inito spiti mas (Greek) 

Achest orașh e-este casa noastrăh (Romanian)

Tse miesto nash dim (Ukrainian) 

To miasto yest nashim doh-mem (Polish) 

Cette ville est notre maison (French)

This city is our home (English)


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