These haikus were written for our monthly poetry night at the Barking Dog in Urmston. A haiku poem (if you're not quite sure) has three lines with specific syllables in each line: 5-7-5. Ideally, the last line should provide a sense of closure to the poem. I hope you enjoy reading mine!
One, two, skip a few.
Ninety nine and 1, 0, 2...
Never could do maths.
All the leaves are brown
And the sky is also brown
This is some weird shit.
Japanese Appropriation
Bonsai Yakuza
Kamikaze Satsuma
- Haiku abuser
Poetic Frustration
The perfect haiku
Lies just beyond my mind's grasp.
I wrote this instead.
Dirty Haiku
A Sunday night film
Yes, Detective Callaghan,
I do feel lucky.
A Haiku for the Morning
Maybe one day soon
I'll get up in the morning
At a time I choose?
Valentines Day
Valentines Part I
How do I love thee?
Let me count the many ways :
One, two... yeah - it's two.
Valentines Part II
Roses are not red
Not these flowers anyway.
I’ll bin them; they're dead.
Valentines Part Achoo
Love is in the air
Ev'ywhere I look around
Oh no, it's pollen.
I can't think of when
I've done a nazi salute
by an accident.
Elon (continued)
I must point out too,
I've also never done one
on purpose either.
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