The Breadaholic

This poem was written for our monthly poetry group. The theme for July was ‘bread’ - hope you enjoy reading it!

The Breadaholic

We're at a five star restaurant.

My menu's still unread.

I'm much too full to order;

I've eaten all the bread.

I don't feel good next morning:

Bloated and over-fed.

I've cheated on the Atkins Diet,

And eaten all the bread.

The kids want toast for breakfast.

I've got them cereal instead.

I said it had all gone mouldy,

But I've eaten all the bread.

My wife says I've a problem.

"You just can't help yourself," she said.

Lunch was supposed to be bacon rolls;

I've eaten all the bread.

Tomorrow morning's Sunday

And I've a growing sense of dread.

The priest at the Eucharist will blow his top;

I've eaten all the bread.


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