Remembrance Sunday 2022
This sermon was preached on Remembrance Sunday 2022. The Gospel was Luke 21:5-19 . I hope you enjoy reading it. Our gospel this morning is a jarring one for Remembrance Sunday. Here we are this morning – joining thousands of people across our country – coming together to contemplate the horrors of war and recommitting ourselves to work for peace in our world, and – instead of a gospel message about the coming Kingdom of God, where there will be no more war, and no more pain, and no more tears, we get this : Wars and insurrections? These things must happen, says Christ. Nations will fight nations, and kingdoms will fight kingdoms. Earthquakes, and famines and plagues. All will be thrown down. I don’t know about you, but I was expecting something else; something about Heaven, and peace, and love. I wanted to hear the passage from Isaiah about beating ploughshares into swords, and spears into pruning hooks and nations not learning war anymore. But instead, Christ tells his disciples ...