O, Teach us to Follow

I wrote these words for a hymn a few years ago now. I found it an interesting exercise, trying to write something that could be sung communally. It's quite different to writing a poem (as a spoiler, by the way, I'm hoping to upload a new poem towards the end of Holy Week, so, if you like what I write, keep an eye out for that!) 

When I wrote these words, I did have a specific tune in mind, but, really, I'd love them to have their own tune. If you're that way inclined, perhaps you'd like to have a go at composing a hymn-tune to fit? (All guesses as to the tune I had in mind are welcome in the comments, by the way!)

Hope you enjoy.

O, teach us to follow Your Way, Lord, as we go 
Through life as we're working and resting.
Your life - our ideal, and your words ever real;
May we be to those 'round us a blessing.
Let us take your love to those around us;
To our family, colleagues and friends,
May our care for creation surround us
And our faith, hope and love never end.

We will follow, we will follow in your footsteps, Lord
Over mountains and green hills we will take your word.
We will go where you lead us and call us
With the lamp of your good news before us!

Still teach us to follow when days turn to sorrow,
And hold fast through the longest dark nights.
When we suffer or mourn, be our peace in the storm
And the hope shining forth in our sights.
Keep us true through whate'er we may travel,
Joyous heights to the sorrowful depths;
Give us faith that won't quickly unravel,
Faith that guideth our heart and our steps.

We will follow, we will follow in your footsteps, Lord
To those who mourn and rejoice, Lord, we will take your word.
We will go where you lead us and call us
With the lamp of your good news before us!

Even teach us to follow on that path that is narrow 
And the way that is bleak and less trod
Through death's darkest vale to the place of the skull
And the cross where we crucified God.
But e'en there we will press ever onward,
For that's not where the road ceased for you,
So we'll stop but a while at your cross, Lord,
And to new life, we will journey on through!

We will follow, we will follow in your footsteps, Lord
To the end of our life-path we will take your word.
We will go where you lead us and call us
With the lamp of your good news before us!


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