On our Attitude to Sin
This sermon was preached at our Evensong service on Sunday 15th October. The New Testament reading was 1 John 3:1-15.
Every Sunday, we start our Evensong service with one of a
number of set sentences. I must be honest, sometimes I pick the sentence based
on a whim or a gut feeling; sometimes I look through and try to find one that
is appropriate for the tone of the rest of the service and the sermon, and
sometimes, I completely forget until the time comes to read one out, and I just
pick the first one my eyes hit upon – nobody tell Huw, ok?!
This evening, however, picking the appropriate sentence was
what is known as a ‘no-brainer’. Very little decision had to go into choosing
the right introduction for tonight. It was the only sentence with which I could start this evening’s service. I’ll
repeat it now:
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us; but if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Why did I pick that sentence tonight? Well, it ties in with
our reading from the New Testament that we heard earlier on. Now, there are
some strong words here in this letter: “no one who abides in Christ sins; no one who sins has ever seen him or known him.”, “Everyone who commits sin is a child of the devil”, “Those who have been born of God do not sin”. Compare and
contrast that with our earlier sentence – “If we say that we have no sin, we
deceive ourselves, and the truth is no in us”.
There’s some serious conflict here, isn’t there? Our letter-writer
and the writer of our introductory sentence look to have some major theological
differences. One of them says ‘we all sin’, and the other says ‘Christians do
not sin’. These statements seem in diametric opposition to each other – one
wonders what these two writers would have had to say to each other if they ever
met. Might it, perhaps, have caused a
schism in the early church? It surely would have led to – at the very least – a
robust, heated debate.
But… I’m being disingenuous. The writers of these statements
did come face-to-face. Well, if they
ever looked at their reflection in a mirror, that is. They were one and the
same; the same person. All of these statements were written by St John.
Perhaps, then, this theological conflict was down to time?
Maybe John’s views matured, or changed, as he grew in his faith?
That is – of course – possible. It happens to us all. We
grow, learn and change our mind as our experience changes us. Trouble is, very
few of us do it over the course of writing one
letter. These statements are all in the same book of the Bible – the first
letter of John! The introductory statement is from the beginning of chapter 1,
and our reading was from chapter 3. That really is some turnaround, isn’t it?
Perhaps there is no conflict, then? Perhaps these statements
are not mutually exclusive after all? Maybe we’re just reading them wrong?
Some background as to the purpose of John’s letter is
probably helpful here. John is writing to a specific group of Christians to
warn them about those who are trying to deceive them. He warns them off
from following false-teachers, especially those who do not believe that Christ
had a real, physical presence. Crucially, the side-effects of this belief in
the importance of the spiritual over the physical was a tendency of those who
taught these things to side-line anything earthly or bodily. The only things
that mattered, said these believers, were the spirit and the mind. What you thought mattered. What you did did not.
And so, in the context of these teachings, John is careful
to point out that sin exists, it is
real, and that the early Christians should not be deceived by people who
pretended that only spiritual things mattered, and the things you said and did,
and the way you behaved had no relevance in the spiritual realm, or in Real
On top of this, our confusion as to the exclusivity of these
passages isn’t helped by our translation in chapter 3. Where we heard ‘no-one
who abides in Christ sins’, the Greek verb for ‘sin’ here implies a sense of
ongoing time. We might better translate it ‘no-one who abides in Christ continues in sin’. Given the context of
John’s letter too, I think we’re correct to assume there’s also a sense of
deliberation here too. No-one who abides in Christ makes a conscious decision to keep sinning. Sin, says John, matters. If
your spiritual leaders keep on sinning, they are not who they claim to be, and
not a representation of the Christ they claim to know. Know them by their
So… what’s the point of all of this? Why have I bothered to
go into this?
I think there are some interesting parallels to some of the
worldly goings-on over the past week or so. John was writing to warn the early
church about those who emphasised the spiritual over the physical; those who
said that one element mattered more. In an odd twist, I think we can fall into
a similar trap with this very letter.
In our initial reading of this passage, we found ourselves
in an either/or situation: either those who abide in Christ do not sin, or none
of us are without sin. But… both are true. Those who abide in Christ
do not continue in deliberate sin AND none of us are without sin. I think, if
we emphasise one of these aspects over the other – like the false-teachers John
warns us of – we open ourselves to danger.
If we only focus on the later message – the one we heard in
our reading – about those who abide in Christ not continuing in sin, we are in
danger of idolising our leaders, seeing them as people who can do no wrong. In
the same vein, we question our own
salvation, knowing full-well our failure to live up to this exhortation of
sinlessness. We know only too well the danger to be found in assuming our
leaders in the political world (such as Cyril Smith), and in the church can do
no wrong – abuse in the church has been allowed to fester unchallenged as
people refused to believe that spiritual people were capable of such horrible acts,
and those who committed them refuse to acknowledge their own sin.
If, however, we only focus on the first statement, that we
deceive ourselves if we claim to be without sin, we can find ourselves tumbling
down the murky path of moral equivalence – that as we are all sinners, all sins
should be treated the same… and it is that
error that ensures we give permission to such figures as Harvey Weinstein to
effectively shrug off his abuse allegations by us placing blame on his victims
for not speaking out, and allowing him to blame his attitude on growing-up in the 60’s and 70’s. It also ensures religious authorities such as the American
right-wing evangelical, Jerry Falwell Jr can write off President Trump’s vulgar
and abusive comments about grabbing women with the phrase that every one of us
is a sinner who has done things we wish we hadn’t, without requiring any form
or repentance or change in behaviour from the supposed leader of the free world.
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When Trump met Weinstein |
The two views are sides of a coin. We need both. We must
acknowledge that – yes – all have sinned, and we will all continue to fall into
sin, but also that we are called to
something higher; that sin is not to be shrugged-off or appeased, but that
it prevents us from continually abiding in Christ, and in communion with our
fellow people, and we can, and must, do something about it. As John
continues in our introductory statement – all have sinned, but “if we confess
our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.”
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