On our Attitude to Sin
This sermon was preached at our Evensong service on Sunday 15th October. The New Testament reading was 1 John 3:1-15 . Every Sunday, we start our Evensong service with one of a number of set sentences. I must be honest, sometimes I pick the sentence based on a whim or a gut feeling; sometimes I look through and try to find one that is appropriate for the tone of the rest of the service and the sermon, and sometimes, I completely forget until the time comes to read one out, and I just pick the first one my eyes hit upon – nobody tell Huw, ok?! This evening, however, picking the appropriate sentence was what is known as a ‘no-brainer’. Very little decision had to go into choosing the right introduction for tonight. It was the only sentence with which I could start this evening’s service. I’ll repeat it now: If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us; but if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse ...