
Showing posts from August, 2024

A Response to the Riots

This sermon was given on the morning of Sunday 11th August 2024, after a week of riots and counter-protests in the UK. The New Testament reading was Ephesians 4:25-5:2 . This morning’s Gospel is about bread. When we get to August every third year, we get John’s Gospel, and for about 6 weeks, we go through John Chapter 6, during which we talk a huge amount about bread. If you come to church in August this year without having had your breakfast first, you’re going to get hungry! I’ve actually preached in this slot both times over the last six years. Today marks my third sermon with these same readings. So, I hope you’ll forgive me if I don’t actually preach on the gospel at all today?  Don’t worry, Caroline is preaching next week, and I’m sure she’ll cover the Gospel – unless she throws in a wild card? Instead then, for today’s sermon, I’d like to turn to our New Testament reading, from the letter to the Ephesians. There’s all sorts of scholarly thought about this letter that I don’t pro

A Boy's Best Friend

I started attending another poetry group in a very nice local pub - this poem was written for our August group. The theme was 'a childhood toy'. I hope you enjoy reading it! A Boy’s Best Friend It’s all I ever wanted. More than anything To pull along behind me; a dog upon a string. A face that’s looking up to me, A tail upon a spring. Four shiny, bright red wheels. A dog upon a string. The toy of all my childhood dreams A toy fit for a king You can keep your etch-a-sketch Give me a dog upon a string. And now I’m decades older But loss has just as sharp a sting You are gone and still all I want Is my dog upon a string.