Do Not Worry? Harvest 2021
This sermon was preached at our Harvest Sunday service on 10th October 2021. There has been much talk in the news of petrol shortages, rising fuel costs and existing and protected supply chain issues, causing a sense of fear across the UK. The Gospel that morning was Matthew 6:25-33 . Our offering at St Michael's was in aid of Stretford Food Bank , A farmer slowly enters the field. He surveys the golden stalks of wheat, pristine and gently waving in the breeze before him. Solemnly, he prepares his scythe, and whispers a silent prayer to the god of the harvest. In one swift, practised motion, he swings his blade against the wheat, and then stops. Carefully he gathers that first cutting and ties it together, his calloused fingers stumbling over the knot, and sets it gently aside. This will be the offering; the bargain that guarantees a good harvest next year – as long as the farmer did everything right in the preparation, that is. And then, the rest of the harvesting is done....