
Showing posts from April, 2021


This sermon was given on Sunday 18th April at both our Zoom and our physical service. The Gospel reading was Luke 24:36b-48 . My office at home is at the back of our house. It has French doors that lead into our garden, and it's been lovely - in those times I've not been staring at my laptop screen - to look out to see the changes in the plants and trees over the last few weeks; to see signs of spring appearing and the garden bursting into life. Each day I look and see new vibrancy and colours, more birds and butterflies; new signs of life.  And it's the same in the country as a whole; as covid restrictions have gradually lifted over those same few weeks, it's been incredibly emotional to see signs of life return in our public spaces as friends and family meet again after months of corporate winter. There's been a great deal of joy as lives begin again to interconnect and the virtual becomes corporal and physical and real. But... And there is always a 'b...