The Tabernacle
This sermon was given at our Evensong service on Sunday 27th January; Holocaust Memorial Day . The Old Testament reading was Numbers 9:15-23 . Today is Holocaust Memorial Day. It's said that to ensure the horrors of the past are never repeated, they must never be forgotten. Personally, I think it's very important that we remember the stories from our past, and also the past of our Jewish brothers and sisters. One such story can be found in our Old Testament reading this evening. This story tells us of the beginnings of the Tabernacle. I don’t know how much you know about the Tabernacle, but it’s quite an interesting concept. It’s all tied up with the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt; escaping slavery and setting off to find new lives for themselves in the Promised Land. There, in the desert, the Israelites journeyed for forty years, rarely staying in the same place, all the while relying solely on the providence of God. But, even in these times – perhaps especially in th...