The One Where I Found Out I Was Preaching on Trinity Sunday
The Trinity Shield. The corners represent Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the centre of the shield is the word 'God'. Today is Trinity Sunday; a day universally dreaded by preachers. For, today we find ourselves trying to explain the Trinity. Sermons on Trinity Sunday are expected to be academic, theological assignments, using words such as 'modalism', 'co-eternal' and 'perikhōrēsis', and at the same time, be interesting , engaging and understandable, whilst the preacher avoids being heretical (another of those theological words, there). On top of that, the sermon must have relevance to our daily lives, and leave us with a deeper understanding of God and our faith! You see my dilemma, then! Here are the things I must tick off: Be theological Be interesting Be understandable Be relevant Don't preach an incorrect, heretical, understanding of the Trinity Actually have a point that makes a difference At this point,...